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Most are aware that employees in Florida are “at will,” and wrongly believe that there is little or nothing that can be done after an improper or poorly handled termination. This kind of thinking is problematic for both employees and employers.
Employees often ignore or waive important rights. Lacking proper advice and guidance, they walk away from legitimate claims based on harassment, unpaid wages, and overtime. They ignore important rights that forbid terminations or disparate treatment on the basis of gender, race, age, and nationality, protect their position and employment while on family and medical leave, and require employers to reasonably accommodate a physical, mental or emotional disability.

Employment: Service
Employers, on other hand, fail to establish proper protocols and standards of conduct, develop employment manuals, appropriately investigate harassment and other claims, establish strict timekeeping procedures, adopt appropriate internet use policies and otherwise fail to take all steps necessary to properly shield their company and its assets from frivolous claims. They shy away from consulting an attorney on important decisions and ignore serious workplace issues that could result in real financial exposure.
The attorneys of Tilden & Prohidney, P.L. consult with individuals, small businesses, area schools and governmental entities on a wide range of employment issues. We represent both employers and employees. We prosecute and defend claims brought under the FMLA, the FLSA, Title VII, the ADA, the ADEA and other state and federal laws. Even more importantly, we provide practical, day-to-day advice on how to stop these claims before they start.
Employment: Text
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