Estate Planning
Tilden & Prohidney, P.L. has helped individuals and families of all types of backgrounds and incomes with common-sense estate planning designed to preserve their wealth and pass it on to beneficiaries and succeeding generations, according to their wishes.
Our attorneys can assist you with the process of administering a will through probate, creating a simple trust for a couple who owns real estate, structuring a land trust to own and pass real estate, or a complex estate plan involving multi-tiered structuring. You can trust Tilden & Prohidney, P.L. will provide the estate planning and trust solutions you need to ensure your estate passes to your heirs quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively, while protecting your assets, avoiding probate, and minimizing taxes where possible.

​At Tilden & Prohidney, P.L., our attorneys represent clients in the following estate planning/litigation matters:​
Land Trusts
Estate Administration
Probate Litigation
Beneficiary Disputes
Undue Influence Claims